Jordan Drive to Read (DTR)

Client: FHI 360
Implementation year: 2012


ConsultUs Work

ConsultUs conducted a summative evaluation of the project to evaluate:

  • DTR’s approach to reading and literacy based on the following:
  • Appropriateness
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Persistence of impact
  • Sustainability
  1. Did the project meet the needs of children and their families in the targeted areas as set in the baseline study? If so, in what technical areas was the DTR most successful and what made that success possible? Were there inaccurate identification of the needs or inappropriate approach to meeting the needs?
  1. Was DTR successful in positively promoting a culture of reading within DTR selected communities? What other impacts were made as it relates to attitudes toward reading? Were there areas of focus which should have been more strongly emphasized in the project? Should certain project components been eliminated, adapted or included to make achieving DTR’s objectives more possible?
  1. Was DTR’s technical and financial support to CBOs sufficient enough to achieve sustainability of DTR activities?


Project Background:

Jordan Drive to Read Project, was a four years (2009-2012) USAID funded project, with a total budget of $2 million. DTR was implemented by AED in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and (MoC) the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM). DTR served four districts in East Amman giving children there access to books, art and a wide variety of youth activities.

DTR was a mobile library that provided a versatile platform – both literally and symbolically – for reaching children and youth of ages (6–12) – girls and boys – and engaging them in a wide variety of activities from developing reading skills and a culture of reading for pleasure to cultural activities that promote the arts and provide children with an opportunity to enjoy themselves while participating in positive, educational, confidence building activities.

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