Private Schools Support Project (Assessment and Implementation)

Client: USAID
Implementation year: 2010 – 2013


ConsultUs Work

ConsultUs carried out the Assessment with the following objectives:

  1. To understand and assess the private school sector in terms of their financial and administrative situation as well as their challenges to grow.
  2. To classify private schools according to their financial and administrative capacities into 3 levels for the purpose of developing customized capacity building programs.

These objectives were reached through the use of two research tools: a survey questionnaire and focus group meetings. The survey questionnaire provided a quantitative measure of the financial and administrative capacities of the private schools to be interviewed. The focus group meetings provided qualitative details that cannot be reached through the use of a survey.


Project Background:

Private schools in Jordan are regarded as a vital services sector, yet some of these schools are faced with their limited ability to obtain finance for their growth and development. To tackle this issue, USAID provided a grant to implement a program that aims at enhancing the financial and administrative capacity of private schools in Amman in order to enable them to access funding from Micro Finance Institutions (MFI‟s).

The Program’s activities were developed based on the results and recommendations of the baseline study (Assessment) of a sample of 300 private schools in Amman. The objective of the Assessment was  to diagnose the current situation of private schools in Amman in terms of financial and administrative capacities.

Out of the 300 schools that included in the Assessment, 150 private schools were selected based on specific criteria to benefit from the Program services for four years.

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