Lebanon Social Protection and Safety Nets Report

Client: The Cairo Regional Bureau of the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Centre for Social Protection at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) at the University of Sussex
Implementation year: 2015


ConsultUs Work

The preparation of the scooping study “Social Protection and Safety Net-Lebanon Social protection, food security, and nutrition outcomes. Refugees, displaced, and host communities”, using  a combination of key informant interviews, including government officials, international NGOs, local civil society workers, and beneficiaries and literature review and producing the study to highlight the nature of the national Context, social protection policies and institutional arrangements,  social protection programmes and safety nets, existing informal and semi-formal  safety nets, and to draw conclusion, summarize findings, analyze gaps, and recommend approaches or steps that can contribute positively to food security in Lebanon.


Project Background:

The scoping exercise is meant to contribute to the development of WFP’s regional social protection strategy by generating in-depth country case-studies for 6 countries: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen. The objective of Lebanon report is to  scoop  social protection, particularly social safety nets, from the perspective of food security, nutrition and livelihoods,  explore these concepts among different target populations: refugees, displaced persons and host communities and look into the role played by social safety nets in promoting food security and nutrition.

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