Implementation of a situation analysis and rapid market assessment of stressed communities in northern Jordan

Client: Save the Children International
Implementation year: 2015


ConsultUs Work

Preparation of a situation analysis of the Mafraq and Irbid Governorates relying on secondary data, complemented with interviews with key stakeholders in the two governorates, paying particular attention to:

  • Livelihood opportunities for women and youth;
  • Identification of factors contributing to youth and women’s participation in the labor force;
  • Rapid assessment of market to ascertain recruiting sectors as well as those with potential; i
  • Identification of success micro and small enterprises and anticipated room for growth;
  • Identification of skills in demand;
  • Identification of other actors working in the area of livelihoods;
  • Accessibility to early child care and development;
  • Environmental risks at the governorate levels.


Project Background:

The situation analysis is part of the inception phase for Save the Children three- year project entitled Mitigating the Impact of the Syrian Crisis on Jordanian Host Communities.” The objective of the work is to provide a broad overview to complement a more detailed baseline in select municipalities to inform SC’s interventions.

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