Strategic and Development Planning for Local Governance

Implementation year: 2017 – 2018


ConsultUs Work

The formulation of a Strategic Plan and the Local Development Plan of the Northern Aghwar District 2019 – 2023

The strategic plan and the local development plan was prepared in a participatory approach that involved all concerned parties and stakeholders by planning through a number of phases.

The first phase included:

  • The creation of the steering and strategic working team,
  • Data collection

The second phase included:

  • The preparation of the database and a summary on the economic and social reality of the Northern Aghwar District.

The third phase included:

  • The preparation of the reference paper (background paper)
  • Discussion ot the reference paper in workshops.

This was followed by two sessions conducted in each municipality of the Northern Aghwar, Moaz bin Jabal,  Tabaqat Fahl, and Shurahbil Bin Hasanah devoted to the identification of gaps, PESTEL Analysis, identification of relative significance, accessing the contents of the vision and mission and reformulating them, identification of strategic goals and sectoral developmental goals, and of projects and programs under each of the strategic goals and sectoral developmental goals.

Project Background:

Local economic development is defined as a work methodology, which is effective and flexible in terms of responding to the needs of regions and subregions based on accumulated experience of the work of municipalities and regional economic development centers, which also focuses on building the capacity of stakeholders and local partners in order to enable them to transfer their expertise and efforts and increase their participation to new communities, by monitoring their diligent efforts and practical applications and through specialists in committees, including representatives from educational institutions, civil society organizations, trade unions and the private sector, this will lead to form the core of economic dialogue and public-private partnerships. Local leaders provide strategic economic outputs that open up opportunities for projects to be linked with each other and also to  articulate economic strategies and orientations developed and proposed by all local segments.

According to the definition of the World Bank, the process of local development aims at building the economic capacity of the local areas in order to develop the quality and the future of the economy for all. It is a process that involves the public and private sectors of entrepreneurs and civil society through their joint and complementary work to create better conditions to support economic growth and job creation.

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