Mapping of all Arab Support to Syrian Refugees in Jordan

Client: Cooperation with Arab Donors (CAD) Programme on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
Implementation year: 2015


ConsultUs Work

Reviewing of reports and documents provided by UN OCHA, AA, EU and others and conducting interviews with the following concerned entities such as  The Ministry of Planning, Jordan, MICAD, UAE special unit for coordination of support to Syrian Refugees, UAE Red Crescent, Qatar Red Crescent,  Sheikh Thani Ibn Abdullah for Humanitarian Services Foundation, UNHCR, Qatar Charity and many other concerned stakeholders. The aim is to map all Arab Donors involved in the Syrian crisis and how aid is being channelled as well as the role of Arab NGOs and Humanitarian Charity Organizations and to draw conclusions and recommendations on best means of shifting from humanitarian assistance to development assistance and capacities needed for a successful shift.


Project Background:

CAD works on behalf of BMZ to establish and strengthen cooperation with Arab donors on the operational and strategic level. It specifically works with Arab donor agencies based in the GCC countries, including governmental institutions, multilateral organisations and private or semi-governmental foundations. Many of them are already supporting Syrian refugees or local communities hosting refugees.

The objective of the report is to analyse the potential for cooperation between actors of German Development Agencies and Gulf Arab organisations in activities to support Syrian refugees and host communities in Jordan.

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