Solid waste management plan / New Husseniyeh Municpality

Implementation year: 2017 – 2018


ConsultUs Work

The preparation of an operational plan for solid waste management including the development and implementation of cities and commercial and residential areas cleaning processes based on national strategies and field visits to the municipalities. The aim of the plan is to improve the two municipalities solid wastes management systems, strengthen institutional governance, enhance their capacity to provide cleaning and solid waste collection services and to develop work methodologies and best utilze resources allocated to municipalities.


Project Background:

In 2011, the Jordanian government committed to a wide range of decentralization reforms so citizens could become more directly involved in the plans and programs of their local governments. Decentralizing government operations also empowers municipalities and other local government bodies to provide for and respond to Jordanian citizens. The USAID Jordan Cities Implementing Transparent, Innovative, and Effective Solutions (CITIES) project is supporting the development of more inclusive government operations. Citizens are recognizing their right to articulate their needs, and municipalities are gaining the organizational and management capacity to address those needs effectively. Consequently, communities are becoming more cohesive and receiving the services they need.  The project aims to improve how the government delivers core services, such as solid waste management, street naming, and building numbering, increase the sustainability of municipal governance operations, strengthen the government’s capacity to respond to the identified needs of citizens and support municipalities and the people who live in them to create communities that are more cohesive and resilient

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