USAID Cash Transfer / Budget Support Program Assessment

Client: USAID
Implementation year: 2012


ConsultUs Work

ConsultUs conducted the “Assessment of Current Status of Conditions Precedent for the Cash Transfer / Budget Support Program” in order to:


  • Assist USAID/Jordan with analysis of the status of the Conditions Precedent that triggered annual disbursements under the Cash Transfer/Budget Support Program for the period 1997 – 2009.
  • Contribute to a better understanding of the level of commitment on the part of the Government of Jordan (GOJ) to maintaining   reforms that were mutually negotiated and agreed upon between both parties  under the annual Cash Transfer Programs.
  • Identify the extent to which the GOJ met the terms of agreement for each year for specific actions and reforms in order to qualify for funds disbursement.
  •  Assessment of status of completion of select number of reforms.


Project Background:

Jordan, with the support of the USAID, among other donors, has been very active in reforming its economy. Structural reforms have been especially active in liberalizing private investment regime, opening the trade regime, establishing modern regulation and institutions for the private sector development, and privatization. Quality improvements have been achieved in all sectors, including considerable improvement in the quality of education and vocational training, improved health care services at public hospitals and primary health care centers around the country, water resources management was significantly developed, ICT was instituted throughout the government structure, and the physical infrastructure was notably modernized. In addition to economic reforms, Jordan has made notable advancement in the areas of broadening public participation in the decision making process, strengthening political parties, and further promoting judicial independence.

Many of these reforms were supported by USAID programs in Jordan either by direct programs managed and implemented by the USAID, or the Government’ stakeholders, or through the “Conditions Precedent Mechanism” associated with cash transfer/budget support component of USAID assistance to Jordan. This mechanism has played a major role in facilitating the implementation and the endorsement of many important reform initiatives in various sectors.

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