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Measuring the economic contribution of Jordanian tech-based startups to the Jordanian economy

GIZ has awarded ConsultUs the “Employment-Oriented MSME Promotion (MSME)” project,

Regional Displaced Women’s Economic Empowerment (R-DWEE)

The world Bank has awarded CONSULTUS  Technical Assistance for the Regional Displaced Women’s Economic Empowerment

Economic Growth Activity (ERA)

USAID has awarded the Economic Reform Activity (ERA) to Chemonics in partnership with CONSULTUS.


  • " ConsultUs assigned a highly capable team for the consultancy. There were cooperative, demonstrated expertise and committed. All deliverables were timely and of good quality "

    UNICEF Jordan Country Office
  • “Thanks to their commitment, ConsultUs work improved our services and helped us develop our strategies. It’s a matter of great satisfaction and pleasure to continue working with ConsultUs on different capacity building ventures."

    The Higher Council for Youth
    The Higher Council for Youth
  • “The collaboration with ConsultUs was always very productive and efficient and tasks were carried out professionally. I recommend ConsultUs for any endeavor it chooses to pursue"

  • "ConsultUS has been a valued Chemonics partner for the implementation of the SES activity. They met all deliverable requirements of their three subcontracts, and demonstrated exceptional flexibility when dealing with uncertainty in relation to the Syrian context. I would recommend ConsultUS without reservation for work with similar requirements in the future."

    Rhett Gurian / Chemonics International Inc
    Rhett Gurian / Chemonics International Inc Chief of Party Syria Essential Services
  • "Your team has changed the way we manage our NGOs, and also has provided us with clear guidance of our way forward."

    Libyan NGOs Society - Benghazi
  • "Your commitment and exceptional support has provided us with many skills that will help us to fulfill our responsibilities with excellence."

    H.E Sami Al-Majali / Higher Council of Youth
    H.E Sami Al-Majali / Higher Council of Youth President
  • "ConsultUs delivered the evaluation report in a timely and professional manner and provided Queen Rania Teacher Academy with recommendations on the program’s design effectiveness and Efficiency."

    Hania Barqawi / Queen Rania Teacher Academy
    Hania Barqawi / Queen Rania Teacher Academy Deputy CEO

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